Moving Two Old Houses – Then Moving Them Back Again Part 2

It’s been a few months since these two projects started. Now that a few delays from weather and other unforeseen hiccups have passed, construction is moving quickly. Both foudations have been built, and one of the houses has been moved back onto it’s new foundation. The second home will be moved back very soon.

You’re wondering why the house has been stripped down to it’s framing, right? As was expected from the beginning of this process, the siding and sheathing of both homes was in terrible shape – the only way to add significant life to these homes, and protect them from Ohio’s wild weather, is to replace it all. When they’re done, however, they’ll look exactly like the originals.

Contact me to learn more about the services I offer and how I can help make your new home or remodeling project exciting, valuable and unique.

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